The Montessori Society AMI (UK) is organising its annual seminar on 7 February 2015. Irene Fafalios, AMI Director of Training – Greece, will talk about Babble to Babel – Supporting Bilingual Children and Giving Meaning to Celebrations.
Irene ran a bilingual Montessori class and a Greek community centre in London, where she also worked at the Maria Montessori Institute for over 10 years before moving to Athens. She holds the 0-3, 3-6, and 6-12 AMI International Diplomas and is also involved in AMI’s Educateurs sans Frontières initiatives.
The day’s session will explore the concept of bilingualism in depth followed by how we give meaning to festivals in our multicultural environments. She will draw upon her extensive experience of working with bilingual children in a variety of environments. Both parents and teachers will benefit from a wealth of knowledge and creative ideas on the subject.