Tag Archives: education

School closed for Christmas

The Maria Montessori school is now closed for the Christmas break.

Our staff members will return on Thursday 3rd January and the school will reopen for the children on Tuesday 8th January.

Foundation Degree in Montessori Pedagogy at UEL – spaces available through clearing

The Maria Montessori Institute is offering a Foundation Degree in Montessori Pedagogy (AMI 3- 6) in collaboration with the University of East London – Cass School of Education and Communities.

The Foundation Degree is awarded alongside the AMI Diploma (3-6). It also incorporates the Early Years Educator [EYE] qualification, awarded by Innovate Awarding, which entitles the holder to be included in the ratios of staff to children for delivering the Early Years Foundation Stage [EYFS] in an Early Years setting in the UK.

Spaces are now available through clearing.

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