You can donate to:
- In Memory of Hilla Patell – Hilla requested that anyone wishing to recognize her life be asked to make a contribution to a children’s charity rather than send flowers.
- In Memory of Elizabeth Hood – Elizabeth requested that contributions be made to Montessori for Dementia, Disability and Ageing instead of sending flowers.
- Montessori for Dementia, Disability and Ageing – we provide training on using Montessori to improve the lives of those with dementia and offer bursaries for those who cannot afford to attend.
- The provision of assisted places for children whose families would otherwise not be able to send children to our School.
- Parent Programme – Montessori in the Home
The programme is open to any parent or professional based in the UK, though we are particularly interested to support those who cannot access our other courses for financial reasons, so your donation will help ensure we can continue to deliver these courses free of charge. - Corner of Hope – a project which aims to introduce Montessori teacher training and education to populations in emergency situations such as Refugee/IDP/Disaster camps.
If you do not have a preference then the Board of Trustees of the Maria Montessori Institute will determine the use to which your donation will be put.