With our Montessori training you could become a Montessori teacher, take your first step into Montessori, or enhance your professional development

A world leading AMI training centre

We are one of the longest-established and largest Montessori training centres in the world. Our courses have evolved directly from those first delivered by Maria Montessori and our lectures and course materials are all prepared under direct authorisation from AMI.

AMI Diploma (Teacher Training)

The gold-standard in Montessori training - the AMI Diploma offered at 0-3, 3-6 and 6-12 years, plus degree route for UK students.
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AMI Orientation (Introductory)

The classic introduction to authentic Montessori - offered for the 0-3, 3-6, 6-12 and 12-18 age groups.
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Professional Development

Montessori training for educators and other professionals including AMI Refresher courses and our Post Diploma observation course.
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Parents & Carers

Courses for parents and carers on Montessori in the home plus Montessori for Dementia, Disability and Ageing.
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Learn from world-class Montessori trainers

Our large team of trainers offers a faculty with a broad range of expertise. Our trainers are well known in the global Montessori community and work all over the world as AMI trainers, examiners, mentors and advisors. All trainers are all AMI Diploma holders who have at least five years experience working in Montessori environments. Our Course Directors have also qualified through the AMI Training of Trainers Programme requiring at least a further three years of intensive study.

Our Course Directors

Louise Livingston

Head of Training and AMI Diploma 3-6 Course Director
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Alison Awes

AMI Diploma 6-12 Course Director
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Sara Brady

AMI Diploma 0-3 Course Co-Director
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Heidi Philippart

AMI Diploma 0-3 Course Co-Director
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Our latest Government inspection report

Our training centre benefits from our AMI Montessori school

Our exemplar AMI school in London is recognised around the world for its authentic but cutting-edge Montessori approach experienced by children aged 2 to 16 years. Many students on our AMI Diploma courses will undertake teaching practice here. Our training team provides on-going professional development and mentorship for our school staff, while the trainers benefit from ongoing insight into Montessori in a contemporary setting.