Care home Foxburrow Grange in Colchester won a “Best Care Team” award in the Great British Care Awards this week and cited Montessori for Dementia and Ageing training with us as a key part of their success.
The award was won by the home’s Badger Wing which specialises in caring for, and supporting people, with dementia. These people may have lost the ability to take care of themselves, but the team sees beyond that prognosis and actively supports them to become more independent and enjoying life.
The Best Care Team award recognises a team with a shared vision that demonstrates a commitment to dignity and privacy for clients. Foxburrow Grange staff said:
“Since applying the Montessori method for people with dementia and ageing, the wing, the residents and the home as a whole have gone from strength to strength.”
Foxburrow Grange staff participated in three online training sessions with our Montessori for Dementia and Ageing expert Anne Kelly from December 2020 – February 2021. We offer in-house training at care homes and other relevant organisations as well training sessions open to all which are attended by professional carers and family members.
Find out more about our inspirational Montessori for Dementia and Ageing courses held regularly online.