New Course: Supporting Emotional Wellbeing for Parents

One of the biggest challenges facing parents today is supporting the emotional resilience of their children.

This new online course brings together the Montessori approach and contemporary understanding of emotional development to help parents support the emotions and well-being of their children from birth until six years.

“What I most liked about the course were the clear tools and examples to deal with the child’s emotions in our everyday life”
Attendee at our lecture on this topic with trainer Sarah Emerson

Find out more or register

Trainer Sarah Emerson will cover both theory and practical strategies to support children’s well-being, resilience and behavioural responses. Join us to discover:

  • What children need now and in future to support them in terms of their emotional well-being, resilience and mental health
  • How children’s attachment develops and their need for dependence before independence
  • Why behaviour is ‘feelings made visible’ and why all behaviour has meaning
  • How to help children regulate their emotions
  • Parental love and how to de-escalate situations through communication

Sarah Emerson is an early years and parent consultant who holds the AMI Diploma 0-3 and 3-6 and the AMI Assistants Certificate 12-18 as well as a Postgraduate Certificate in Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Well-being and an MA in Early Childhood Studies. As a trained holistic sleep coach and an emotion and behaviour specialist, Sarah’s approach is rooted in responsive, connection-based teaching and parenting.

Course Date/ Times: 4 Saturday mornings 9:30-11:30 starting on the 9th September

Course Fee: £180, special offer for Maria Montessori School parents: £150


Register for the course