“A Journey of Discovery that Maintained My Curiosity Until the Very End”

Kalamun took our AMI Diploma 3-6, graduating in summer 2022. She explains how Montessori teacher training gave her “so much more than she expected”.

My Discovery of Montessori
I came across Montessori education some time ago when I was completing my Product Design degree. I found it comforting just to discover that such a method of education existed, especially as my own early years education in the UK was quite a traumatic experience and lacked the care and sensitivity I needed as a child of dual nationality struggling to communicate in the language of my peers. Montessori schools sounded different, they seemed to be supporting the diversity of individuals rather than alienating them.

After my design degree, I worked as a designer and in property renovation for several years but I began to question my life choices when art and design was no longer giving me the satisfaction and purpose for which I yearned. I knew I wanted to contribute and make a genuine difference to society; I just wasn’t sure what that calling was. It was then that I decided to look further into Montessori education. It was the only other thing that touched my heart in a special way. It would definitely have been the choice of education I would have given my younger self given the opportunity. Maybe it offered me some healing; I knew I could not change my early educational experience, but I had the opportunity to help others to have a different experience.

I visited several Montessori schools and starting to read more into the approach, the more I read the more it resonated with me. I felt my beliefs, values and passions were all encompassed in this one methodology and in Maria Montessori’s words. It all made so much sense, so it came as no surprise to find out once I started my AMI Diploma 3-6 with the Maria Montessori Institute that this methodology is based on natural human development because that was how it appeared: natural and nurturing.

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My Experience of Training and After Graduation
I truly loved training with the Maria Montessori Institute and would recommend it to anyone that is serious about Montessori. The Diploma course was everything!  Fun, exciting, challenging, liberating – it was the journey of a lifetime in a nutshell. I felt stretched in more ways than I could ever have imagined, but it was always with joy and purpose. I have such high regard for every trainer that contributed to my learning and growth so generously. The lecture materials were so stimulating and the syllabus structure so well designed, it was a journey of discovery that unravelled so beautifully and maintained one’s curiosity until the very end.

I am so glad I made the choice to do ‘AMI’ Montessori. It is as good as Montessori gets! I felt every aspect of training was consistent with the Montessori ethos – from the beautiful training centre, to the materials, to the teaching approach, to the trainers’ temperaments. It really is unique training. Knowing it was authentic Montessori with training materials endorsed by Maria Montessori gave me immense pride and satisfaction that I was part of a cohort that would continue her legacy.

Since graduation I have started working as an assistant at one of the AMI’s top teaching practice schools. It is exactly where I wanted to be and I’m very grateful to have the opportunity to apply my credentials and continue my development as a qualified practitioner. Now that I have gained my qualification my plan is to gain as much experience working directly with children and refining my practice. Consolidating knowledge with practice is the next phrase for me and I don’t wish to stop until I feel I’ve mastered it fully.

My Message to Anyone Thinking of Training
The difference we as Montessori educators can make in supporting the spirit of the growing being is incredibly significant. The minds we help to shape are the minds that will determine the future. So the contribution we can make to society should not be taken lightly. It truly doesn’t get more exciting and dynamic than the spirit of young children. But, as much as this training is about child development, it is also about self-development: the learning and growth never stops if you don’t want it to. This course has shown me a strength and tenacity within myself that I didn’t even know existed, it has given me so much more than what I thought I was signing up for. It has reshaped my life and me as a person. It’s an intense course: but if you are willing to give what it takes, it will give you that back and so much more.

Who you are before training will not be the person you become – that much I can guarantee!

AMI Diploma 3-6
Teacher Training Courses